How it works


We unlock your business potential and solve your biggest scaling challenges

You’ve worked hard to build a great business and are now ready for your next stage of growth. We are passionate about partnering with entrepreneurs such as yourself to achieve your vision

Unlock your wealth

You’ve put every paisa back into your business. Now it's time to enjoy the rewards: we put cash in your pocket

Data driven marketing expertise to grow 5-10x

We use big data & AI to forecast demand and optimize pricing, promotions & advertising

Optimized back-end operations

Our experts love streamlining sourcing, quality control, logistics, finance and compliance

Work with like-minded entrepreneurs

At "Seed 2 Unicorn", you'll work with a bunch of nice, hardworking people excited to build something big

Build your legacy

Make your brand a household name, in India, and globally. You'll always be recognized as as the original Founder

Never worry about raising capital again

Once you partner with us, your brand will have access to all the capital it needs to grow


How we work with brand founders?

We bear all costs and minimize the paperwork so you can continue to focus on what matters the most – your business. Our experts have a deep industry understanding so we can make offers, fast. No small print, no catch, just a spirit of partnership.

Initial offer in 48 hours

We do a simple assessment of your business and provide a preliminary partnership offer

Due-diligence by week 5

We analyze your business more deeply before making a final offer

Final agreement by week 8

All that’s left is signing partnership documents, transferring funds to your account
